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Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Februari 2025


Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia Februari 2025

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PT Bank Seabank Indonesia merupakan aplikasi perbankan digital untuk membantu melakukan aktivitas finansial, mulai dari menabung hingga bertransaksi melalui handphone kapanpun dan dimanapun. Produk perdana SeaBank adalah rekening Tabungan, yang dapat mempermudah pengelolaan aktivitas finansial harian & menyediakan tabungan dalam satu rekening dengan bunga yang tinggi. Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia.

PT. Bank Seabank Indonesia adalah lembaga keuangan digital milik Sea Limited/Sea Group, perusahaan induk dari situs e-commerce Shopee dan penerbit game online Garena.

Resmi berubah nama menjadi PT. Bank SeaBank Indonesia (SeaBank) berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Deputi Komisioner Pengawas Perbankan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor KEP-12/PB.1/2021 tanggal 10 Februari 2021. Melakukan peluncuran pertama digital banking.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank SeaBank Indonesia

Saat ini SeaBank Indonesia memberikan kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Collection Partnership Management

Job Description:

  • Ensure optimal performance of Partner by monitoring and evaluating Collection partner effectively
  • Analyze Partner Performance metrics such as Recovery rates, Collection activity efficiency and Customer Feedback
  • Provide Regular reports on Collection Partnership to management
  • Identify areas for improvement and with with partners to optimize collection processes
  • Collaborate with Internal Collection QA to act as the primary point of contact to deliver the QA result, and resolutions of disputes between the Company and Partners
  • Identify QA findings from reports that need to be submitted to Loan Channeling/Joint Financing partners
  • Convey QA findings to relevant departments in Loan Channeling/Joint Financing partners
  • Coordinate with all partners regarding data requests related to QA Loan Channeling/Joint Financing sampling to be fulfilled by each partner
  • Monitoring and repairs carried out by partners is in accordance with bank standards and regulations

Requirements :

  • Minimum 2 years of experience in banking product operations/business, especially Loan Channeling/Joint Financing
  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in any major
  • Understanding the provisions and business processes in the banking industry
  • Able to use data processing tools and operate Microsoft Office, especially PowerPoint and Excel
  • Excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills
  • Good time management skills
  • Able to analyze data trends and anomalies
  • Strong negotiation and relationship management skills
  • Experience in working with third party Collection Partner, Agencies or Financial Institutions
  • Understand regulations and code of ethics related to the applicable billing

2. KYC Agent

Responsibilities :

  • Perform a day-to-day due diligence review of prospective customers by confirming KYC data requirements in accordance with the applicable regulations and internal policies
  • Responsible for collecting and reviewing document submitted based on a set of guidelines provided
  • Properly record and maintain documentation of necessary supporting documents
  • Perform due and timely escalation to the supervisor whenever needed
  • Perform any other duties relevant to the onboarding process as assigned

Requirements :

  • Minimum diploma or bachelor’s degree from any major
  • Has 0-1 year of experience from related field
  • Must be willing to work in shifting
  • Willingness to learn and grow, self-motivated and result oriented
  • Strong interpersonal, analytical and communication skills

3. Customer Service 

Responsibilities :

  • Carry out services to customers as: Deliver product and service information bank; Follow up and finish customer complaints; Perform all activities that become relevant Customer Service authorities Automated Teller Machine card
  • Conducting Cross Selling of Bank products and perform archive management
  • Handle complaints from customers and create a recap of customer complaints in Microsoft Excel form
  • Identify and mitigate potential risks, especially Operational Risk on each transactions made in Customer Service
  • Performing Customer Due Diligence to obtain accurate relevant information prospective customer data in accordance with the data submitted in the opening application account
  • Performing Enhanced Due Diligence to high-risk customers by adding aspects requirements or data that must be met by prospective customer and implement Payment Tools Using Cards operations

Requirements :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree from any major
  • At least 1 (one) year of experience in related field
  • Excellent with Excel and able to operate Microsoft Office & PowerPoint
  • Customer-oriented
  • Placement Bintaro

4. Field Collection

Responsibilities :

  • Perform billing visit to non-performing loan portofolios under management
  • Prepare a list of debtors before making a visit
  • Updating all results of debtor visits through daily reports
  • Follow up on contactable debtors and payment promises
  • Follow up on debtors who break their promises to pay

Requirements :

  • 2 years of experience in Field Collection is preferred but Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
  • Minimum Diploma to Bachelor Degree from any major
  • Placement in Jabodetabek/Bandung/Semarang/Surabaya Area

5. Credit Analyst

Job Description :

  • Ensure credit documents have been completed.
  • Conduct on the spot (OTS) to ensure the real conditions and collateral of prospective debtors.
  • Conduct analysis of credit applications and credit analysis documents specifically Credit Analysis Tool (Perangkat Analisa Kredit), and Disposition Sheet regarding the PAK Proposal to be approved by members of the Credit Decision Committee.
  • Conduct credit analysis and prepare reports on the results Analysis of the 3 Pillar and Early Warning of debtors above IDR 1 billion to the head of the Credit Analyst department and coordinate with related units
  • Monitor the results of the four eyes principles analysis.
  • Selecting debtor referring to the provisions of the Risk Acceptance Criteria.
  • Coordinate the results of the four eyes principles Analysis to the proposer and credit decision-making committee.
  • Prepare DPD (Day Past Due) & Maturity Reports.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree in any major, preferably Economics/Management/Law
  • Min. 3 years relevant experience in banking industry
  • Understand the regulations and business processes in the banking industry
  • Having good communication skills
  • Understand financial report analysis
  • Understand the litigation and credit process

6. Customer Operations Agent

Responsibilities :

  • Conduct the standard and procedures that apply in communication with customers
  • Processing customer request, clarifying information, and resolving every problem, to provide alternative solutions related
  • Documenting all interactions with customers in the Call Center Database (CRM), for further use if needed
  • Forming and creating sustainable relationships with customers by making extra efforts to build closseness with customers
  • Following up on complaints/feedback submitted by customers to be followed up (either directly carried out or in place or escalated to relevant units)
  • Maintain and improve the quality of services by following the guidelines in order to meet quality standards as stated in SOP/TGU

Requirements :

  • 0-1 years of experience in Customer Operations or related positions
  • Minimum Diploma from any fields
  • Must be willing to work in shifts
  • Experience in responding to customer queries in a timely and accurate way, via phone, email, or chat
  • Customer orientation and ability to adapt/respond to different type of characters

Tata cara melamar:

Bagi yang berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan silahkan daftarkan diri kalian melalui link dibawah ini :

1. Collection Partnership Management


2. KYC Agent


3. Customer Service (Bintaro)


4. Field Collection (Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, & Surabaya)


5. Credit Analyst


6. Customer Operations Agent (Surakarta)



  • Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.

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