PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk memiliki sejumlah portofolio aset bisnis yang berkualitas tinggi dalam rantai nilai mineral strategis dan bahan baku baterai kendaraan bermotor listrik (electric vehicle/”EV”) yang terletak di Sulawesi Tengah dan Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia.
Salah satu anak perusahaan kami adalah PT Sulawesi Cahaya Mineral (SCM). SCM adalah salah satu sumberdaya dengan kandungan nikel terbesar di dunia yang mengandung sekitar 13,8 juta ton nikel (kadar 1,22% Ni) dan 1,0 juta ton kobalt (kadar 0,08% Co). Tambang SCM pada awalnya dimiliki oleh Rio Tinto dan merupakan tambang terbuka yang besar, dekat dengan permukaan, dan berbiaya rendah, dalam konsesi seluas 21.100 hektar. Tambang SCM memiliki sumberdaya nikel limonit yang kaya, dengan komposisi campuran antara nikel limonit (77%) dan nikel saprolit (23%). Bijih nikel limonit adalah bahan baku yang digunakan dalam produksi Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (“MHP”) melalui teknologi pemrosesan High Pressure Acid Leach (“HPAL”) yang kemudian dapat diiubah menjadi nikel sulfat untuk digunakan dalam produksi baterai kendaraan bermotor listrik;
Treasury Tower 69th Floor
District 8, SCBD Lot 28
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta Selatan
Lowongan Kerja PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk
1. Recruitment Officer
Key Roles :
- Identify the position that the user wants in order to get candidates as needed
- Conduct a recruitment process for candidates to get candidates who meet the requirements and time
- Joining candidates to fill available positions immediately.
- Make announcements regarding available vacancies to media that post job vacancies
- Conduct selection of incoming job application files
- Update recruitment progress regularly
- Ensure the administration of Employee Request Form is complete and in accordance with the needs of the organisational structure.
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelors degree (Sl) in Psicology, MSDM, Law or related background
- Minimum 3-5 years of experience in Recruitment Certified POP
- Have active English communication skills
- Good planning and work target skills
- Exce lient communication skills
- Familiar with Microsoft Excel, Visio, and Power Point
- Active on social media
- Willing to be placed at the project location wth a FIFO roster 42 active days: 14 days off
- Able to work at: site, Southeast Sulawesi.
2. Transportation Services Officer
Key Roles :
- Plan, organise and supervise vehicle scheduEs to support the smooth transport of goods, ecpipment and personnel
- Optimising fleet utilisation to ensure transport effciency and cost savings.
- Ensure vehicles are always in top condition through regular maintenance and repairs where necessary.
- Coordinate wth drivers and ensure they adhere to work schedules and safety standards
- Oversee transport operational expenses, ircludirg fuel, maintenance, and driver fees.
- Compile reports and make recommendations to impro•.e transport cost effciency.
- Ensure transport vehicles and personnel comply with all applicable regulations, including traffic rules and safety standards.
- Prepare perodic reports related to transport fleet perßrmance, fuel usage, operating costs, and route effciency
- Prepare regular reports on transport fleet performance, fuel usage, operating costs, and route effciency
- Analyse transport data to identify areas of impro•.ement and provøe appropriate sdutions
- Resolve problems that arise related to transport operations, such as delays, vehicle breakdowns, or other incidents.
- Liaise wth vendors, transprt seruce providers to organise transprt services according to company needs
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Management Transportation or related background
- Minimum 3-5 years of experience in Transportation General Affair Certified POP
- Has a SIM A
- Have active English communication skils
- Excellent communcation
- Proficient in using Microsoft Excel & Power Point
- Willing to be at the Flgect bcation Wth a FIFO roster 42 active days: 14 days off
- Able to work at Konawe site, Southeast Sulawesi.
3. Facility & Camp Services Foreman
Key Roles :
- Liaise with vendors, transport service providers to organise transport services according to company needs.
- Ensure cleanliness, safety and comfort in the work environment
- Manage the invenbry of company assets, such as office equipment, vehicles, and other facilities
- Ensure that asset recording is done accurately and regularly
- Supervise cleaning and security teams to ensure work areas are kept safe and clean
- Control and monitor third party cleaning services
- Liaise with other deparünents to support the company’s operational needs
- Handle intemal facility-related requests, such as equipment procurement or repair
- Compile and manage administrative documents related to maintenance, asset inventory, and third party services
- Make periodic reports on the condition of facilities, inventory, and repair needs to management
Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree (S 1) in Management, Economy, Civil or related background
- Minimum 3-5 years of experience in Facility & Camp Service General Affair Certified POP
- Have active English communication skills
- Excellent com munication skills
- Proficient in using Microsoft Excel & Power Point
- Willing to be placed at the project location with a FIFO roster 42 active days: 14 days of
- Able to work at: Konawe site, Southeast Sulawesi.