Bridgestone pertama kali didirikan oleh Shojiro Ishibashi pada tanggal 1 Maret 1931. Seiring dengan berkembangnya industri otomotif di Jepang, melalui Bridgestone Tire Co., Ltd. Bridgestone Tire Indonesia secara resmi didirikan di Indonesia pada tanggal 8 September 1973 dan dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Bridgestone Corporation.
Misi perusahaan kami adalah “Melayani Masyarakat dengan Kualitas Unggul”, kata-kata yang digunakan oleh pendiri Bridgestone untuk menggambarkan visinya bagi perusahaan. Kualitas unggul bukan sekadar tujuan yang kita cita-citakan sehubungan dengan produk, layanan dan teknologi kita. Ini adalah sesuatu yang Bridgestone lakukan dalam aktivitas perusahaannya juga. Komitmen Bridgestone terhadap kualitas adalah komitmen di seluruh dunia – berbagi nilai-nilai masyarakat, termasuk keinginan universal akan lingkungan yang sehat, dan bekerja dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup orang-orang di mana-mana.
PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia kembali membuka kesempatan bagi Mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan pengalaman bekerja di dunia professional melalui program Bridgestone Technical & Administration Apprenticeship Program (BE TEAM) Batch 3.
Lowongan Kerja PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
1. Bridgestone Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program (BE MANTAP) Batch 4
PT. Bridgestone Tire Indonesia melalui Bridgestone Vocational Training Center, membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan SMK untuk dilatih sebagai peserta magang untuk program BE MANTAP sebagai Operator Produksi dan Maintenance, kurikulum berbasis SKKNI, mendapatkan uang saku dan sertifikat.
Persyaratan :
- 18 sampai 21 tahun terhitung 21 s/d 16 Februari 2025
- Pendidikan minimal SMK untuk Jurusan Elektronika, Mekatronika, Otomasi Industri, Instalasi Tenaga Listrik, Teknik Kendaraan Ringan, Teknik Sepeda Motor, Teknik Pemesinan)
- Penempatan: Pabrik Karwang & Bekasi
Berkas Lamaran : (dalam format PDF)
- Pas foto background biru (dalam format .jpg)
- Surat Lamaran
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)/Resi
- Transkrip Nilai
- BPJS Kesehatan
- Opsional: Sertifikat Pelatihan & Surat Keterangan Kerja
2. Commercial Marketing & Strategy Specialist
Develop and implement differentiation business models to expand our commercial tire business. The role involves creating competitive, high-value products for customers and ensuring compliance with SNI standards and regulations for both local and imported products in Indonesia.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Management, Sales & Marketing, or related field.
- Minimum of 5 years’ relevant experience in field engineering, preferably within automotive or tire industry.
- Possess fleet engineer experience and dealing with Fleet/End User
- Preferable to have leadership / supervisory experience
- Strong communication, project management, analytical problem-solving skills and fluent in English
- Has strong sales skills, including ambition, agility, target orientation, and creativity.
3. CSRD – Area Sales Rep – Central Java
Manage sales Sell-in & Sell-out for consumer product in Bridgestone One Stop Service (BOSS), Toko Model (TOMO), and General Shops in Central Java area align with sales target.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Management, Economics, or Technical field.
- Min 3 years of experience in automotive or tire retail sales.
- Strong communication skills in English, both oral and written.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office with strong problem-solving abilities.
- Willing to be placed or rotated to other area in Indonesia
- Has strong sales skills, including ambition, agility, target orientation, and creativity.
4. CSRD – Area Sales Rep – North Sumatera
Manage sales Sell-in & Sell-out for consumer product in Bridgestone One Stop Service (BOSS), Toko Model (TOMO), and General Shops in North Sumatera area align with sales target.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Management, Economics, or Technical field.
- Min 3 years of experience in automotive or tire retail sales.
- Strong communication skills in English, both oral and written.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office with strong problem-solving abilities.
- Has strong sales skills, including ambition, agility, target orientation, and creativity
5. Account Executive – Sales Engineer
Conduct commercial tire sales activities, including fleet approach, product presentation, offerings to achieve sales targets by distributors.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Management, Sales & Marketing, or related field.
- Proven experience in sales, preferably in the automotive or tire industry, at least 4 years.
- Strong communication and presentation skills.
- Ability to analyze market conditions and customer needs.
- Excellent problem-solving and customer service skills.
- Has strong sales skills, including ambition, agility, target orientation, and creativity.
6. Account Executive – Distributor Management & Development
Manage & develop distributors performance as well as to monitor and coordinate operational distributor sales teams in assigned areas.
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in any field, preferably in business or economics.
- At least 4 years of experience in sales, with a background in managing distributors or key accounts.
- Fluent in English with strong communication and negotiation skills.
- Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
- Proven experience in managing and developing distributor relationships.
- Has strong sales skills, including ambition, agility, target orientation, and creativity
7. Regional Coordinator – Sales Engineer
Oversee and drive commercial product sales activities across fleet groups (TB & L T) and shops. The role involves planning, supervising, and supporting sales efforts to achieve Sell Out targets for the Commercial Tire segment.
Requirements :
- Bacheloris degree in Management, Sales & Marketing, or related field.
- Minimum 7 years of experience in a sales role, preferably in the automotive or tire industry.
- Strong leadership skills with the ability to manage and evaluate teams.
- Excellent communication skills in English (preferred).
- Proficient in data analysis with a solid understanding of the automotive industry, especially tires.
- Has strong sales skills, including ambition, agility, target orientation, and creativity.
Catatan :
- PT. Bridgestone Tire Indonesia tidak menerima lamaran dalam bentuk hard copy.
- Pelamar melakukan pendaftaran melalui aplikasi rekrutmen.
- Pengumuman hasil seleksi setiap tahapan akan diinformasikan ke masing-masing email dan aplikasi rekrutmen.
- Peserta Tes tidak akan dipungut / membayar biaya apapun: Sebelum, Selama dan Setelah Proses seleksi.
- Pemagangan akan dilaksanakan di Pabrik Bridgestone Bekasi & Karawang.