PT Manambang Muara Enim salah satu perusahaan pertambangan batubara Indonesia yang berlokasi di Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan. Kami berkomitmen mengoperasikan pertambangan dengan standar tertinggi dalam efisiensi, keamanan serta tata kelola perusahaan dan lingkungan yang terkendali. Lowongan Kerja PT Manambang Muara Enim.
Penggunaan modal yang tepat, pengorganisasian yang transparan dan akuntabel, perusahaan memiliki tujuan yang jelas dan fokus pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan kolaborasi dengan mitra bisnis yang terpercaya, merupakan faktor yang kami percaya akan memungkinkan kami mengembangkan kualitas produk batubara yang berkelanjutan, dan memberikan manfaat maksimal bagi perusahaan.
Visi :
- Visi menjadi salah satu perusahaan pertambangan terpadu dan terkemuka di Indonesia yang fokus pada pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dengan memaksimalkan manajemen biaya, penggunaan infrastruktur, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap keselamatan pertambangan, perlindungan lingkungan serta sosial masyarakat.
Lowongan Kerja PT Manambang Muara Enim
Saat ini PT Manambang Muara Enim membuka kesempatan lowongan kerja untuk dapat bergabung bersama dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Mine Plan Engineer
Persyaratan :
- S1 in Mining/ Geology
- Minimum 3 years of experiences in related industries as Mine Plan Engineer/ PIT Geologist (preferably in Mining Company)
- Have knowledge of mining software such as, Minescape, Surpac, Minex, Spry, Xpac, etc
- Have knowledge of short and long mining planning, evaluation, and mining operations
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
2. Environment SPV
Persyaratan :
- S1 in Environmental/ Forestry/ Mining or others related fields
- Minimum 3 years of experiences in related industries as Environment Spv (preferably in Mining Company)
- Have knowledge of acid mine drainage management, post-mining reclamation programs, ISO 14001, RKL/RPL, PROPER, and controlling environmental pollution programs
- Experienced in handling palm oil reclamation or revegetation
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
3. Tranposrtation SPV
Persyaratan :
- S1 in Mining/ Geology/ Transportation or others related fields
- Minimum 3 years of experiences
- Familiar with rail transportation activities and coal transportation road traffic management
- Has certification of POP
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
4. Mine Control Center Staff
Persyaratan :
- S1 in Mining/ Geology
- Minimum 3 years of experiences in related industries as Mine Plan Engineer/ PIT Geologist (preferably in Mining Company)
- Have knowledge of mining software such as, Minescape, Surpac, Minex, Spry, Xpac, etc
- Have knowledge of short and long mining planning, evaluation, and mining operations
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
5. Jetty Foreman
Persyaratan :
- D3/ S1 all majors
- Minimum 3 years of experiences working in a port or coal mine
- Have certification related to survey drafting
- Have an understanding of survey drafts Communicate in English (Passive)
- Have experience about port/ jetty
- Proficient in Microsoft Office is a must
- Have a driver’s license (SIM A)
- Domicile in South Sumatera is Preferred
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
6. Sales Operations
Persyaratan :
- D3/ S1 in engineering (Mining engineering is preferred)
- Minimum 3 years of experience in coal mining industry
- Have the ability to manage the coal loading and unloading process in the stockpile
- Have stockpile area management capabilities
- Have a driver’s license (SIM A)
- Have good communication skills
- Domicile in South Sumatera is Preferred
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
7. Internal Auditor
Persyaratan :
- S1 in Accounting/ Business/ Management
- At least 2-3 years of working experiences as internal/external auditor
- Have experience in big four/coal companies/accounting is preferred
- Able to identify deficiencies in internal control
- Have good business understanding and data analysis
- Proficient in Microsoft Office is a must
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
8. Stockpile Foreman
Persyaratan :
- D3/ S1 in engineering (Mining engineering is preferred)
- Minimum 3 years of experience in coal mining industry
- Have the ability to manage the coal loading and unloading process in the stockpile
- Have stockpile area management capabilities
- Have a driver’s license (SIM A)
- Have good communication skills
- Domicile in South Sumatera is Preferred
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
9. Railway Foreman
Persyaratan :
- D3/ S1 in Engineering (Mining Engineering is preferred)
- Minimum 3 years of experience in coal mining industry
- Have the ability to manage the coal loading and unloading process
- Have an understanding of transporting coal using trains
- Have a driver’s license (SIM A)
- Have good communication skills
- Domicile in South Sumatera is Preferred
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
10. PIT Geologist
Persyaratan :
- S1 Geology
- Minimum 2-3 years of experience in coal mining industry
- Have the ability to create geological models with Minescape Stratmodel
- Have good knowledge of geology
- Have knowledge about coal sampling and analysis (ASTM and ISO methods)
- Have good knowledge about coal quality and coal getting operations
- Has certification of POP and Sim A
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
11. Civil & Insfrastructure Specilaist
Persyaratan :
- Minimum S1 in Civil Engineering
- Minimum 1 years of experience in mining
- Mastering technical drawings and calculations of civil building structures
- Understand the creation of construction RABS and technical specifications
- Proficient in Microsoft Office is a must (Word, Excel, Power Point) and AutoCAD 2D
- Able to master the SAP 2000 program Has certification of POP is a plus
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
12. Safety & Health SPV
Persyaratan :
- D3/ S1 Environment/ Forestry/ Mining or other related fields
- Able to create mining safety work programs and conduct training
- Able to implement Minerba SMKP
- Have knowledge of safety aspects, inspections & patrols, investigation techniques, and emergency situations
- Has certification of POP, General AK3, TOT, and Minerba SMKP Auditor
- Have driver’s license (SIM A)
- Placement at Site Muara Enim
Tata Cara Melamar:
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- Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan, karena lowongan ini gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun.
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